How International partnerships with universities and corporations drive innovation and effective learning abilities? – Read more to find out!

Partnerships with international and high ranked universities are beneficial to everyone; from the university, staff to the students and the entire world! We live in an era where the rate of internationalization is rapid and ever-growing. Also, with the aid of technology and unhindered communication, it is making the education industry evolve and create successful partnerships that will provide a recognized degree that is led with innovation in the forefront. Hence, higher education institutions around the globe are making the best out of these resources by fostering new relationships with both education and corporate organizations. Having said that, it is important to understand how this is different from non-partnering colleges and how they can benefit students.
Over the years, most families have given utmost priority to their children’s education. There has been a dramatic increase in students aspiring to fly to other countries and pursue their education. Hence, it is only logical and convenient for local universities to welcome international higher education institutions in the form of partnerships. By doing so, domestic students can exercise the flexibility of starting their programs locally and graduating from the mother campus.
This way, they can experience dual student life, culture, industry, and market-size and can make an informed decision about their employment. On the contrary, students who do not wish to study abroad are given a chance to gain the same international degree in their own space. Moreover, this can be deemed as an affordable option as students can save their accommodation and living costs when they study locally.
Although universities and industry have diverse cultural approaches, vision, mission and structure of work, in recent times, they have increasingly found a mutual ground that only impacts the economy, students and the overall education sector positively. For instance, most MBA programs in UAE require a bachelor’s degree as one of the admission requirements. However, at Capital College, through our successful partnership with North Wales Business School Glyndwr University located in the UK, students with many years of work experience can enter into an MBA program without the need for a bachelor’s degree – via the mature entry route. This perhaps would not have been possible without the aid of partnerships. While this is just one of the instances, Capital College aims to serve as a medium and offer a quality-assured degree that will only add value and credibility to one’s career.
In addition, we are in partnership with Rome Business School, Italy’s most international university that offers the world’s 59th ranked International MBA program. Students can now enrol with Capital College and get an MBA degree in the UAE that is recognized and accredited in Europe. On the other hand, if you are aspiring to specialize in business and get a British degree, our partnership with North Wales Business School Glyndwr University can help you do so right here in the UAE. Students can study an MBA at their convenience that is both flexible and affordable. For more information on our programs, call us at 971 6 55 99 489 or drop at email at