CUC Hollywood Day 2024
The Capital University College celebrated Hollywood Day on January 30, 2024, in collaboration with the CUC Student Council. The event aimed to immerse students through engaging activities, including some interactive games and the Best in Hollywood Attire Competition.
The day kicked off with exciting rounds of charades, where students acted out scenes from popular Hollywood movies, which fostered a sense of camaraderie and fun. Another activity involved students sharing their favorite Hollywood movies, and discussing film genres, actors, and memorable moments.
Moreover, the students also showcased their creativity and passion for Hollywood fashion by having their Hollywood-inspired outfits, where they dressed up as their favorite Hollywood characters or celebrities, with awards presented to the most outstanding attire in both female and male categories.
The following students are hailed winners and received trophy awards:
- Simon Aryal & Sirus Aryal (Twins) – BHTM
- Fathima Sherin Abdul Nizar Tharammal – BSc Hons Computing
What a great day it has been! Hollywood Day truly showcased the vibrant spirit and enthusiasm of the CUC Student body.